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Monday, 23 May 2011
12.00h, Front Member's Room
space versus geometry
Toni Kotnik (AA/ETH), Tim Ireland (UCL) and Marianne Mueller (AA)
Informal lunch time talk exploring concepts of ‘space’ and ‘geometry’ and relating them back to bodily experience and the question of spatial orientation. Toni Kotnik is a mathematician, architects and research at the ETH, Tim Ireland is a phd canidate at UCL and Marianne Mueller is director of the Concrete Geometries Research Cluster at the AA.
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Saturday, 21.5.2011
11.00 to 15.00h at the AA Gallery and the Front Member's Room
meet the curators
Talk / Brunch event to coincide with the exhibition 'The Relational in Architecture'
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Wednesday, 16.03.2011
18.00h at the AA Lecture Hall
The ordering of social relations through building
Arno Brandlhuber and Christian Posthofen
Held in the form of a public conversation or seminar, this event explored architecture as an 'ordering of social relations through building', both through the presentation of provisional definitions and the interrogation of found case studies.
watch the event here:
Arno Brandlhuber is the founder of brandlhuber+ Berlin (since 2006). Since 2003 he has held the chair of architecture and urban research at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg and is directing the nomadic masters programme 042.org. His architectural practice extends from the ‘Neanderthal-Museum’ (Düsseldorf, Mettmann, 1996), to multi-usable structures such as the ‘Kölner Brett’ (Cologne, 2000) and currently the 'HybridHouses' (IBA Hamburg 2010-2012) and ‘Brunnenstrasse 9’.
Christian Posthofen is a philosopher with a focus on epistemology. He has taught at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg, is CEO at Walther König Books and editor of the Kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek.
The event took place at the Lecture Hall of The Architectural Association School of Architecture, Ground floor, 36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES